[QB/ESX] Adding ox_inventory crafting in Base Building

This snippet will help you setup the crafting from ox-inventory as events to use on other scripts like hrs_base_building

In ox_inventory


lib.callback.register('ox_inventory:craftItem', function(source, id, index, recipeId, toSlot)
	local left, bench = Inventory(source), CraftingBenches[id]

	if bench then
		local groups = bench.groups
-- DELETE THIS	local coords = shared.target and bench.zones[index].coords or bench.points[index]

		if groups and not server.hasGroup(left, groups) then return end
-- DELETE THIS	if #(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source)) - coords) > 10 then return end 


lib.callback.register('ox_inventory:openCraftingBench', function(source, id, index)
	local left, bench = Inventory(source), CraftingBenches[id]

	if not left then return end

	if bench then
		local groups = bench.groups
-- DELETE THIS  local coords = getCraftingCoords(source, bench, index)

-- DELETE THIS  if not coords then return end

		if groups and not server.hasGroup(left, groups) then return end
-- DELETE THIS  if #(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source)) - coords) > 10 then return end

		if left.open and left.open ~= source then
			local inv = Inventory(left.open) --[[@as OxInventory]]

			-- Why would the player inventory open with an invalid target? Can't repro but whatever.
			if inv?.player then


	return { label = left.label, type = left.type, slots = left.slots, weight = left.weight, maxWeight = left.maxWeight }


function client.openInventory(inv, data)
	if invOpen then
		if not inv and currentInventory.type == 'newdrop' then
			return client.closeInventory()

		if IsNuiFocused() then
			if inv == 'container' and currentInventory.id == PlayerData.inventory[data].metadata.container then
				return client.closeInventory()

			if currentInventory.type == 'drop' and (not data or currentInventory.id == (type(data) == 'table' and data.id or data)) then
				return client.closeInventory()

			if inv ~= 'drop' and inv ~= 'container' then
				if (data?.id or data) == currentInventory?.id then
					-- Triggering exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', 'mystash') twice in rapid succession is weird behaviour
					return warn(("script tried to open inventory, but it is already open\n%s"):format(Citizen.InvokeNative(`FORMAT_STACK_TRACE` & 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, 0, Citizen.ResultAsString())))
					return client.closeInventory()
	elseif IsNuiFocused() then
		-- If triggering event from another nui such as qtarget, may need to wait for focus to end

		if IsNuiFocused() then
			warn('other scripts have nui focus and may cause issues (e.g. disable focus, prevent input, overlap inventory window)')

	if inv == 'dumpster' and cache.vehicle then
		return lib.notify({ id = 'inventory_right_access', type = 'error', description = locale('inventory_right_access') })

	if canOpenInventory() then
		local left, right

		if inv == 'player' then
			local targetId, targetPed

			if not data then
				targetId, targetPed = Utils.GetClosestPlayer()
				data = targetId and GetPlayerServerId(targetId)
				local serverId = type(data) == 'table' and data.id or data

				if serverId == cache.serverId then return end

				targetId = serverId and GetPlayerFromServerId(serverId)
				targetPed = targetId and GetPlayerPed(targetId)

			local targetCoords = targetPed and GetEntityCoords(targetPed)

			if not targetCoords or #(targetCoords - GetEntityCoords(playerPed)) > 1.8 or not (client.hasGroup(shared.police) or canOpenTarget(targetPed)) then
				return lib.notify({ id = 'inventory_right_access', type = 'error', description = locale('inventory_right_access') })

		if inv == 'shop' and invOpen == false then
			if cache.vehicle then
				return lib.notify({ id = 'cannot_perform', type = 'error', description = locale('cannot_perform') })

			left, right = lib.callback.await('ox_inventory:openShop', 200, data)
		elseif inv == 'crafting' then
			if cache.vehicle then
				return lib.notify({ id = 'cannot_perform', type = 'error', description = locale('cannot_perform') })

			left = lib.callback.await('ox_inventory:openCraftingBench', 200, data.id, data.index)

			if left then
				right = CraftingBenches[data.id]

				if not right?.items then return end

-- DELETE THIS 			local coords, distance

-- DELETE THIS 			if not right.zones and not right.points then
-- DELETE THIS 				coords = GetEntityCoords(cache.ped)
-- DELETE THIS 				distance = 2
-- DELETE THIS 			else
-- DELETE THIS 				coords = shared.target == 'ox_target' and right.zones and right.zones[data.index].coords or right.points and right.points[data.index]
-- DELETE THIS 				distance = coords and shared.target == 'ox_target' and right.zones[data.index].distance or 2
-- DELETE THIS 			end

				right = {
					type = 'crafting',
					id = data.id,
					label = right.label or locale('crafting_bench'),
					index = data.index,
					slots = right.slots,
					items = right.items,
-- DELETE THIS 				coords = coords,
-- DELETE THIS 				distance = distance


AddEventHandler('ox_inventory:craftingEvent', function(id)
    exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('crafting', { id = id, index = id})
end) -------------- ADD THIS EVENT ON THE BOTTOM

--- the id will be the crafting table number in ox_inventory/data/crafting.lua

ox_inventory\data\crafting.lua (this are just examples of 3 crafting tables)

return {
		items = {
				name = 'model_base_wood',
				ingredients = {
					wood = 5
				duration = 5000,
				count = 2,
				name = 'model_door_wood',
				ingredients = {
					wood = 5
				duration = 5000,
				count = 2,
		points = {
		zones = {
		blip = { id = 566, colour = 31, scale = 0.8 },
	}, -- INDEX = 1

		items = {
				name = 'bandage',
				ingredients = {
					cloth = 5
				duration = 5000,
				count = 2,
				name = 'medikit',
				ingredients = {
					bandage = 2
				duration = 5000,
				count = 2,
		points = {
		zones = {
		blip = { id = 566, colour = 31, scale = 0.8 },
	}, -- INDEX = 2

		items = {
				name = 'weapon_pistol',
				ingredients = {
					scrapmetal = 5,
					WEAPON_HAMMER = 0.05
				duration = 5000,
				count = 2,
				name = 'weapon_knife',
				ingredients = {
					scrapmetal = 5,
					WEAPON_HAMMER = 0.05
				duration = 5000,
				count = 2,
		points = {
		zones = {
		blip = { id = 566, colour = 31, scale = 0.8 },
	}, -- INDEX = 3


In HRS_base_building



    ["prop_tool_bench02_ld"] = {
        item = "prop_tool_bench02_ld",
        life = 10000.0,
        type = "crafting",
        subtype = "findGroud",
        noFoundationNeed = true,
        TriggerEvent = {
            type = "client",
            event = "ox_inventory:craftingEvent", --- our new event
            args = {1}, --- the index of the table in ox_inventory/data/crafting.lua
            entityAsArg = "hrs_base_entity" --- in the arguments, this word will be replaced by the Entity
        crafting = {
            {name = "wood",count = 20}

    ["bkr_prop_meth_table01a"] = {
        item = "bkr_prop_meth_table01a",
        life = 20000.0,
        type = "crafting",
        subtype = "findGroud",
        TriggerEvent = {
            type = "client",
            event = "ox_inventory:craftingEvent", --- our new event
            args = {2}, --- the index of the table in ox_inventory/data/crafting.lua
        crafting = {
            {name = "wood",count = 20},
            {name = "metalscrap",count = 20}

    ["gr_prop_gr_bench_02a"] = {
        item = "gr_prop_gr_bench_02a",
        life = 20000.0,
        type = "crafting",
        subtype = "findGroud",
        TriggerEvent = {
            type = "client",
            event = "ox_inventory:craftingEvent", --- our new event
            args = {3}, --- the index of the table in ox_inventory/data/crafting.lua
        crafting = {
            {name = "wood",count = 20},
            {name = "metalscrap",count = 20}

Last updated