the framework code is all OPENSOURCE so if you your framework is not here you can still make it work by editing the OPENSOURCE
- QB
The script will choose it automatically
2 - Extra items setup
Config.explosionItems = {
["weapon_stickybomb"] = {
damage = 7500.0, -- damage to the prop
delay = 5 -- time to explode (seconds)
["weapon_grenade"] = {
damage = 4000.0,
delay = 5
} -- if you want to use items for raiding
Config.fuelItem = "petrol" ------- choose here the item you want o use as Fuel
Config.needCodeLockItem = "codelock" ---- here you can choose an item to be the code lock item, if you keep this as false code lock item will not be necessary
3 - Choosing Target script
The script will choose it automatically
4 - Progress Bar
the Progress Bar code is all OPENSOURCE so if you your progress bar is not here you can still make it work by editing the OPENSOURCE
DEFAULT OPTIONS:- mythic_progbar
- progress bar from QB-CORE
- ox_lib
- esx_progressbar
Config.UseProgressBar = true or false
Progress bar configuration: (example)
The script comes with a lot of progress bar configs for different situations here is just one example, the progress CONFIG is based on mythic_progbar system for progress
Config.ProgressBars = {
["prop_upgrade"] = { ------ the progress bar name (see examples in main_unlocked)
duration = 5000, ---- duration of the progress bar
label = "Upgrading..", ----- label of the progress bar
animation = {
task = 'WORLD_HUMAN_HAMMERING' ---- if you want to use a task
animDict = nil, -- if you want to use anim
anim = nil, -- if you want to use anim
flags = nil, ---- if you want to use flags
prop = nil ---- if you want to use prop on hand
5 - Tutorial
the tutorial code is all OPENSOURCE
Config.showTutorial = true or false
6 - Blackout and Lights
As this script is usually used in Survival servers, usually people that own this servers use to activate blackout mode, making the lights in the game stop working, by setting this option to true you will make the script simulate light via script, so you can still use lights inside your base with Blackout ON
Config.usingBlackout = true
7 - Routing Buckets
If you want to use Routing Buckets or "dimensions" in your server activate this
Config.explosionItems = {
["weapon_stickybomb"] = {
damage = 7500.0, -- damage to the prop
delay = 5 -- time to explode (seconds)
["weapon_grenade"] = {
damage = 4000.0,
delay = 5
} -- if you want to use items for raiding
Config.weaponsDamage = {
[`weapon_rpg`] = 20000.0
} -- if you want to use weapons for raiding you can use this, to choose the damage they give to props
9 - Disable Building Zones
As you probably have zones in your server you don't want people to build in you can setup those zones here:
Config.disableBuildingBlips = {
label = "No build Zones",
color = 1,
alpha = 128,
scale = 1.0,
sprite = 364,
shortRange = true
} ----------- if you don't want blips just do (Config.disableBuildingBlips = false)
Config.disableBuilding = {
{coords = vector3(215.578, -1135.859, 29.29675),radius = 400.0},
{coords = vector3(111.30, -150.859, 31.0),radius = 200.0}
} ----------- zones to disable building
10 - Refresh times
Config.refreshTime = 300000 ------ ms (300000ms = 5min)
Config.refreshTimeLifeRemove = 2.5 ------ life removed every Config.refreshTime ms (FLOAT VALUE)
Config.refreshTimeFuelRemove = 1 ------ fuel removed every Config.refreshTime ms (if ON) (INT VALUE)
11 - Claim Props Type
This Props have two functions:- If you repair them you will repair the all base at once- If you put them on the ground you will Claim for you and your crew a radius of Config.claimPropType[type].radious
Config.claimPropType = {
["foundations"] = {radious = 9.0},
["bigwall"] = {radious = 9.0},
} ----- props that claim an area, if repaired they repair the all base
12 - How Props Work
["model_doorway_wood"] = { ---- item name
item = "model_doorway_wood", --- item name
life = 10000.0, --- how much health this prop has
type = "walls", --- what Type it has
subtype = "doorway", --- what subtype it has
upgrade = GetHashKey("model_doorway_metal"), ---- what prop you can upgrade this props to
crafting = {
{name = "wood",count = 20},
{name = "nail",count = 5},
-- this items will be the items that you will get multiplied by health percentage when removing the prop from the map
-- Will be the items that the scipt will ask you if you want to upgrade another prop to this one
-- will be the items you will need to have to be able to fix the props multiplied by (100% - health percentage)
["model_doorway_metal"] = {
item = "model_doorway_metal",
life = 20000.0,
type = "walls",
subtype = "doorway",
crafting = {
{name = "metalscrap",count = 20}
--------- CONFIG PART ---------------------------------------
["bkr_prop_biker_campbed_01"] = {
item = "bkr_prop_biker_campbed_01",
life = 10000.0,
type = "beds",
noFoundationNeed = true, --- if the prop can be put on the map without foundation
subtype = "findGroud", ---- this subtype will make the prop stick to the ground position
TriggerEvent = {
type = "client", --- the event type this prop will call if interact
event = "hrs_base_building:Regen", ---- the event this prop wil call if you interact
args = {"hrs_base_entity","bed",'health_regen_bed',90}, --- the arguments that will be sent
entityAsArg = "hrs_base_entity" --- in the arguments, this word will be replaced by the Entity
crafting = {
{name = "wood",count = 20}
workAsPillar = false, -- if true the prop will be considered as a pillar, usually used for walls
needsEletricity = false, -- if you want this prop to need or not eletricty to work
disableIteract = false, -- if you want this prop to be interacteable or not
noPermission = false, ------ if true, you will be able to interact with this prop even if you are not its owner or part of the owner crew
mapProp = false, ---- if true you can interact with all props with this model that are around the map (like Ymap props)
------- EVENT EXAMPLE ---------------------
AddEventHandler('hrs_base_building:Regen', function(testEnt,type,anim,headingchange)
local testEntcoords = GetEntityCoords(testEnt)
local heading = GetEntityHeading(testEnt)
local pedCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local myPed = PlayerPedId()
local isEmpty = true
for k,v in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do
if myPed ~= GetPlayerPed(v) then
if #(testEntcoords - GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(v))) < 1.2 then
isEmpty = false
if isEmpty then
SetEntityHeading(myPed,heading + headingchange)
if progressBar(anim) then
ShowNotification("Life Regenerated")
ShowNotification("There is someone else sleeping")
['prop_generator_01a'] = {
item = "prop_generator_01a",
life = 20000.0,
fuelTank = 10.0, ------- how much fuel you can put inside off the generator
type = "generator",
subtype = "findGroud",
crafting = {
{name = "metalscrap",count = 20}
["prop_box_wood01a"] = {
weight = 50000, ---- how much weight the storage has
item = "prop_box_wood01a",
life = 10000.0,
type = "storages",
subtype = "findGroud",
slots = 50, --- how much slots it has
crafting = {
{name = "wood",count = 20}
['prop_worklight_01a'] = {
item = "prop_worklight_01a",
life = 20000.0,
type = "light",
subtype = "findGroud",
noFoundationNeed = true,
zChange = 1.80, -------- height of the light position
fChange = 0.10, -------- front vector change
crafting = {
{name = "metalscrap",count = 5}