Adding quasar inventory crafting in Base Building

This snippet will help you setup crafting from quasar inventory as events to use on other scripts like hrs_base_building

In qs-inventory

qs-inventory\(any open client file).lua

In this code I created 3 types of crafting tables as an example, you can create the ones you want and choose the craftings you want

Config.craftingType = {
    ['med_table'] = {
        [1] = {
            name = "weapon_carbinerifle",
            amount = 1,
            info = {},
            costs = {
                ["tosti"] = 1,
            type = "weapon",
            slot = 1,
            threshold = 0,
            points = 1,
            time = 5000,
            rep = 'attachmentcraftingrep',
             chance = 100
        [2] = {
            name = "tosti",
            amount = 1,
            info = {},
            costs = {
                ["weapon_carbinerifle"] = 1,
            type = "item",
            slot = 2,
            threshold = 0,
            points = 1,
            time = 5000,
            rep = 'attachmentcraftingrep',
             chance = 100

    ['weapon_table'] = {
        [1] = {
            name = "weapon_carbinerifle",
            amount = 1,
            info = {},
            costs = {
                ["tosti"] = 1,
            type = "weapon",
            slot = 1,
            threshold = 0,
            points = 1,
            time = 5000,
            rep = 'attachmentcraftingrep',
             chance = 100
        [2] = {
            name = "tosti",
            amount = 1,
            info = {},
            costs = {
                ["weapon_carbinerifle"] = 1,
            type = "item",
            slot = 2,
            threshold = 0,
            points = 1,
            time = 5000,
            rep = 'attachmentcraftingrep',
             chance = 100

    ['normal_table'] = {
        [1] = {
            name = "weapon_carbinerifle",
            amount = 1,
            info = {},
            costs = {
                ["tosti"] = 1,
            type = "weapon",
            slot = 1,
            threshold = 0,
            points = 1,
            time = 5000,
            rep = 'attachmentcraftingrep',
             chance = 100
        [2] = {
            name = "tosti",
            amount = 1,
            info = {},
            costs = {
                ["weapon_carbinerifle"] = 1,
            type = "item",
            slot = 2,
            threshold = 0,
            points = 1,
            time = 5000,
            rep = 'attachmentcraftingrep',
             chance = 100

function OpenCrafting(tab)
    if Config.craftingType[tab] then
        local crafting = {
            label = 'Craft',
            items = exports['qs-inventory']:SetUpCrafing(Config.craftingType[tab])
        TriggerServerEvent('inventory:server:SetInventoryItems', Config.craftingType[tab])
        TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "customcrafting", crafting.label, crafting)


In hrs_base_building


["prop_tool_bench02_ld"] = {
    item = "prop_tool_bench02_ld",
    life = 10000.0,
    type = "crafting",
    subtype = "findGroud",
    noFoundationNeed = true,
    TriggerEvent = {
        type = "client",
        event = 'openCraftingTable',
        args = {'normal_table'}, --- agrs in order
        entityAsArg = "hrs_base_entity" --- in the arguments, this word will be replaced by the Entity
    crafting = {
        {name = "wood",count = 20}

["bkr_prop_meth_table01a"] = {
    item = "bkr_prop_meth_table01a",
    life = 20000.0,
    type = "crafting",
    subtype = "findGroud",
    TriggerEvent = {
        type = "client",
        event = 'openCraftingTable',
        args = {'med_table'}, --- agrs in order
    crafting = {
        {name = "wood",count = 20},
        {name = "metalscrap",count = 20}

["gr_prop_gr_bench_02a"] = {
    item = "gr_prop_gr_bench_02a",
    life = 20000.0,
    type = "crafting",
    subtype = "findGroud",
    TriggerEvent = {
        type = "client",
        event = 'openCraftingTable',
        args = {'weapon_table'}, --- agrs in order
    crafting = {
        {name = "wood",count = 20},
        {name = "metalscrap",count = 20}

Last updated